Devil’s Workshop

Don’t you feel haunted?
There’s a devil seated on your head!
Playing her instruments.

She seems to be happy.
Her songs are peppy,
But the music is just too loud!


The Devil here is happy sitting on an empty mind, working her way out! I have a thing for these… err… Devils I mean.


I did a fun poem this time. I was chatting up online when the 1st two lines popped up out of my key- board. I decided to take it further. I am sure the Devil (in my mind) is happy to hear a song for her. I have been extra- sensitive to write about her “playful” nature. The female protagonist that I am, I am making “The Evil” more desirable.. 😉


Absolutely no Devils were harmed in the making of this poem.


Submitted for Sunday 160


20 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ladynimue
    Apr 02, 2011 @ 01:28:57

    Devil bows to thee my evil lady 😛


  2. Vinay
    Mar 30, 2011 @ 00:13:41

    I thought the devil was on the right shoulder, not the head 🙂 but a set of tercets quite beautiful.. thanks for sharing Olly.


    • Olivia
      Mar 30, 2011 @ 00:18:05

      Incase you didn’t notice, these are the girls.. 😉
      They always love to ride up on your neck- you see.. 😛 These are the ones who send their menials to sit on the shoulder.. hahahaha


  3. Steve Isaak
    Mar 28, 2011 @ 01:45:34

    Sweet, chuckle-inducing work.


  4. Alice Audrey
    Mar 27, 2011 @ 22:32:58

    She’s bedeviling you? You’ll have to pound on your mental ceiling with a broom handle and threaten to call the cops.


  5. Monkey Man
    Mar 27, 2011 @ 22:29:39

    I love when a line pops into your head and, without knowing your finish, you run with it. Great 160 and thanks for the devilish play.


    • Olivia
      Mar 28, 2011 @ 01:40:43

      Yeah- right!
      It works wonder whenever I do it this way.. It amazingly keeps weaving its own pattern!!

      Thank you for doing the Sunday 160.. 😈
      Hugs xoxox


  6. Rachel
    Mar 27, 2011 @ 22:04:30

    I’m often annoyed that her music is too loud, although it’s a very good selection. Delicious 160!


  7. Krislin Neo, Ting (Syracuse Pike)
    Mar 27, 2011 @ 19:51:55

    *grin*, this is indeed lively and fun.. and yeah, voices in the head.. I have countless ‘encounter’ with them.. Sometimes, it comes a song too..

    Oh yes, they said this group of people are known as the people able to get in touch with messages.. It is like a message spoken from the unseen yet it is something in relation to our little aspect in life and until we acknowledge that ‘message’, it will be there.. and for some, there will be other messages being ‘said’ in another form..

    *LOL*, I dont know how true that is.. but well, just sharing with you.. 🙂


    • Olivia
      Mar 27, 2011 @ 20:35:32

      When I wrote this piece, I didn’t know that so much relativity could be found.. 🙂

      Quite likewise, it happens with me too! That’s exactly why I write about my dreams in this blog. Almost all of them come to be pre-cognitive. Intuitions have never failed me! That voice in the head- it screams if I try to ignore it. On a more serious note; I have come to notice that before any unfavorable incident, I get a warning. Either it’s happening mure now-a-days or maybe have started noticing closely now.. 😀

      I do feel I can “communicate” with them because I have been pre- warned before every mishap (the bigger struggles)! I quite agree with you that these “messages” keep coming back at you unless you acknowledge it one way or the other. If you read it in time, you benefit; if you don’t it makes you pay!!

      It is true- I have seen it unfolding uncountable number of times.. I appreciate you telling me this! Many Hugs xoxox


  8. brian
    Mar 27, 2011 @ 16:54:22

    ha. yeah that little voice is always there trying to fi ght its way out…get you to do things….that might land you in jail…that is why i always carry bail money…smiles.


    • Olivia
      Mar 28, 2011 @ 01:38:00

      lolsss hehehehe..

      So right Brian.. but this one is milder I promise.. She guarantees you to stay out of that cell- how else would you carry on with your “acts” on a regular basis!!

      Sunday Hugs xx


  9. Larry
    Mar 27, 2011 @ 15:57:04

    The Devil you say! Sometimes she is indeed.

    Larry (nitewrit)


  10. booguloo
    Mar 27, 2011 @ 15:09:25

    I’m happier when it’s mutual.. smiles..


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